Dr Rick van der Poel is one of the best Plastic Surgeons in South Africa. He is a Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon, who specialises primarily in cosmetic surgery and operates from the Rosebank Clinic in Johannesburg (Gauteng), South Africa. He has been involved in plastic surgery and particularly in Aesthetic Surgery for many years. This modern facility is completely geared towards cosmetic surgery. Dr van der Poel travels to London several times per year to consult in Harley Street.
Plastic Surgery in South African has gained increasing popularity due to the fact that Plastic Surgeons are of an outstanding standard and keep up to date with all of the latest techniques world-wide through ISAPS (The International Association of Plastic Surgery)of which Dr van der Poel is a member.
Having graduated from the University of Cape Town (UCT) in 1976, in 1984 Dr van der Poel became a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh.
He specialized at Wits University and then completed a fellowship with Prof. Thomas Rees, Head of Cosmetic Surgery at NYU, in New York 1986. He was awarded a second fellowship with Prof. Ivor Pitanguy in Rio De Janeiro, a pioneer in body sculpting. In 1987 he furthered his studies in New Orleans with the Lipoplasty Society of North America. He consulted at the Wits University until 1988 when he opened his Private Practice at the Rosebank Hospital in Johannesburg where he is still practicing. Rick is married with four children.
He is a Member of the Association of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons of Southern Africa (APRSSA) as well as the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS).
On consultation Dr van der Poel will be able to advise you as to which procedure best suits your needs. Dr van der Poel has a wonderful bedside manner, patients are put at ease on first introduction. He takes time to listen to his patients to ensure that their needs as well as their expectations are met. Patients do not feel rushed during their consultations as we allow enough time for the procedures to be discussed at length.
Dr Van der Poel performs a range of cosmetic procedures. He is conservative in his approach and will give honest feed back as to whether you are a fitting candidate for the procedure. It is also important to establish whether your expectations are realistic.
In some cases it is necessary for pateints to lose weight prior to surgery in order to achieve the best result. This would be the case in procedures such as Abdominoplasty or Tummy Tuck's where the excess skin is removed after weight loss.
It is therefore advisable to have lost all the weight you intend losing before having the procedure as weigh loss after surgery would result in further sagging of the skin.
A Full Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck) is fitting for a patient who has lost a large amount of weight and has loose skin which would need to be removed. The scar is more extensive than in a Mini Tummy Tuck and would extend from Hip bone to hip bone. This can be combined with liposuction to the abdominal area.
A Mini-Tummy Tuck procedure is performed when patients require a small amount of liposuction to their abdominal area. Performing liposuction alone to the abdominal area can result in loose skin. It combines well therefore with a mini Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty). Dr van der Poel would be able to advise you on consultation whether you would do better with a Mini or Full Abdominoplasty.
Dr van der Poel performs many breast surgeries, he pays careful attention to scarring and achieving a natural result.
Breast Augmentation/ Breast enlargements (Boob Jobs) procedures, based on your wishes expressed at your consultation as well as Dr van der Poel's recommendations after your assessment a variety of implant sizes will be taken into Theatre. The final decision on the size chosen from this range of implants will be made based on your preference to size which would have been discussed at your consulation as well as which size best suits your frame and puts you in proportion. Dr van der Poel usually increases breast size as much as what still looks natural.
Breast Reduction (Reduction Mastopexy) surgery is one of our most rewarding procedures as in some cases it can transform the lives of patients. Patients often comment that had they know what a difference it would make to their lives they would have had it done sooner.
Breast Lift Surgery/Mastopexy is a surgery to lift the breasts to their optimal height. The nipple is repositioned and where necessary reduced. The scar line is the same as with a Breast Lift procedure which is around the areola, down the infra-mammary fold and underneath the breast. The breasts are taped carefully for six weeks post operatively to take any tension of the scars as they heal. We also advise our patients to apply the RegimA Scar Repair cream twice daily massaging gently along the scar line to break down scar tissue and soften the scar.
Face Lift (Rhytidectomy) surgery, the extent of the procedure depends on the specific needs of the patient. In some patients a Mini Face Lift or Lower Face Lift is required. This would be discussed and decided at consultation. Eyelid surgery (Blepharoplasty) is often performed with the Face Lift surgery. This may involve removing skin or excess from the upper eyelid as as well as tightening the skin under the lower eyelid and removing extra fat from the fat pads under the eyes.
Blepharoplasty/Eyelid lift (eyelid surgery) is also a very popular procedure for patients in their 40's and 50's who are not quite ready for a Face Lift but have some drooping in the upper and lower eyelid. This can be performed as an out-patient should only the upper or lower eyelid need to be done. If both upper and lower eyelids are needing to be revised the patient would spend one night in the hospital. The procedure is not painful however you may have some bruising and swelling after the procedure. It is important to take care to avoid any supplements or medication which could increase bleeding for two weeks prior to your surgery. You will be given a list of these on consultation.
Liposuction (Suction assisted Lipoplasty/SAL) often referred to as body contouring or body sculpting is a very popular procedure. The ideal patient is someone who is close to their ideal weight however they have areas which are out of proportion with the rest of their body. You are born with a certain number of fat cells which are distributed over your body. For some people they their fat cells are distributed more in certain problem areas such as hips or abdominal area. Once these fat cells have been removed and the patients the patient is sculpted to be more in proportion. This makes future weight loss or gain more proportionate.
Otoplasty (Ear pinning /ear surgery /bat ear surgery) This surgery is usually performed on children but is also performed on adults with prominent ears. It is advisable to wait until children are about six years old before performing the procedure as most of the ear growth has occurred by this age.
Dr van der Poel does perform Labiaplasty surgery, Labiaplasty is a plastic surgery procedure for altering the labia minora and the labia majora, the folds of skin surrounding the human vulva.
Dr van der Poel performs small procedures in the rooms, examples of these procedures would be removal of small lesions or scars. Depending on the size of the lesion and the depth of the excision necessary Dr van der Poel would decide whether it could be performed in the rooms or would need to be performed in theatre.
Dr van der Poel uses Restylane Fillers. Restylane is a line of hyaluronic acid–based facial fillers that help smooth wrinkles and plump your cheeks and lips. Hyaluronic acid occurs naturally in our skin, especially in connective tissue. It's typically used in cheeks, lips, nasolabial folds, and around your mouth. Dr van der Poel performs a dental block to anaesthetise the area before administrating the filler. This makes it more comfortable for the patient.
Our rooms are on the second floor, suite 23 in the Rosebank Netcare Hospital on the second floor, this is opposite the Medical and Dental center on Sturdee Avenue. Our rooms are open from Monday to Friday, please call our rooms on 011 880 3793 to set up an appointment with Dr van der Poel. We look forward to hearing from you.